BJ. Franklin. II is a membership-based platform for sharing intellectual information. This online platform allows us to share viewpoints that you may or may not be aware of that will positively change your outlook, choices, thoughts, beliefs, and actions necessary for a life of happiness, health, and true prosperity.

This web-based platform is our vehicle for sharing the small story of our journey in life that aligns with the larger epic story of GOD and His purpose for our lives.

We hope some of the spiritual insights that have been helpful to us on our journey will be of benefit to others on their journey. We believe the Power of God and His Eternal Love and Goodness is always available to all.

For over 30 years, our love for gardening and growing our own vegetables has given us a greater interest in good health and nutrition, healthy cooking, and eating our own organically grown vegetables. There is amazing spiritual insight that start with something as simple as growing tomatoes. This can be done either in pots on your patio, in a small raised beds, or in a small garden area in your backyard. Our goal is to encourage and show our members the benefits that come from having a small backyard garden to grow the healthy food that you and your family love to eat.

We got involved in the travel industry as  travel advisors because we believe travel is good for the soul. When you travel, it will give you the best opportunity to meet other members of God’s human family from all around the world. It also allows you to experience different cultures and cuisines, and see how God has created this magnificent planet for the benefit of every human being.

The travel industry is booming and we  provide valuable insight to those who love to travel.




Our trademark name…. BJ. Franklin. II…. represent the name given to me by my father…. Benjamin Jerry Franklin……know by many as … B J Franklin.

He was an educator, teacher, school principal, speaker, and mentor. He always made a positive impact on the lives of the people he encountered.

As my mentor, role model, and hero, he always expressed humility, persistence, strength, and wisdom whenever he interacted with other human beings……traits that I have learn to use in my journey as well.

Life Coach / Mentor / Entrepreneur

Our business philosophy

Our business philosophy is built on and is centered around the importance  of encouraging people to understand and participate in “The FREE-ENTERPRISE System”. The American Free-Enterprise System is greatest economic system in the world. In America, everyone and anyone with an idea has an opportunity to have their own business. Today, more people than ever before are participating in this system because of the advancements in technology. The Online Business Model is the driving force behind this new wave of entrepreneurs. The flexibility to work from anywhere in the world is what’s trending in business ownership today. In other words……click and order is making brick and mortar.…obsolete.

Our Mission

Our mission is to share information based on the Spirit of Truth about what we have learned and experienced that will benefit and build goodwill with all human beings.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help people understand the common denominator about our earthy existence is the fact that everybody is first a member of God’s “HUMAN FAMILY”. 

Our Divine origin makes us Divine Beings placed here by GOD to have a combined Divine/Human Experience for His purpose and glory during our time on this planet.